Episode 67

67 I know what I want because I know what I don't want!

Published on: 24th June, 2021

I know what I want because I know what I don't want!

It sounds a bit backward, but think about how quickly you know what you don't want. Identifying what you enjoy and why you enjoy it is key to understanding what you love doing. It should seem obvious that we would know this, but it seems we are so willing to spend our time doing things we don't enjoy and slowly give up what energizes and do we love.

It's time for us to do what we love. Imagine if we all did what we loved, focused on what makes us happy. How would that change how we engaged with each other, including ourselves.

By breaking down your daily actions and understanding what aspects frustrate o and those that ignite you, you will begin to identify your path. Where you are meant to be and what you are meant to be doing. Those hidden gifts only your quiet kind mind can find through your intuition.

Until next time, keep it simple, be at ease with yourself, trust your intuition with light the way

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Clearly Kathryn Episode 67

I know what I want because I know what I don't want!

Hi and welcome to episode 67. We're going to get into really understanding what we want and how we can easily get distracted by things, we think we want. I'm so sure that's never happened to you. So let's get into it. 



[00:00:43] Just to name a few speaking to audiences, just like you. I teach successful business leaders in honing their intuition, creating certainty, and taking aligned action. I'll give you a straight talk with humor. Business, intuition, and mindset are just a few of the topics we discuss here. Be ready for fun.




[00:01:34] You can also find the link in the show notes.

Episode 67


[00:01:53]When we think about what we want, even when it comes to choosing dinner, sometimes it's difficult. (?) Do you not care enough about it when you really care about something? Do you know what you really want? I mean, it's something to really think about. Isn't it? We get distracted by so many things that seem like the right direction or a good idea, or strikes on a few things that have interest of ours or allow us to be creative the way we want to be.


[00:02:55]Some get caught up in that looks like an easy way to make money. Or that doesn't look like it's a lot of time or effort. They get sold on these things. We've all done it. What I really want you to do and stop and think about. What do you want? Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel. What does it look like? What does it feel like if you were there?


[00:03:44]These are the people that if they came to you and said, " you know, I think I'm not really fitting in well, or another opportunity came up." You go, wait, wait. No, what can I do? What. What can I do to fix this? What can we do to make it work? I mean, you would dread the day that any one of these perfect people would mention possibly leaving.


[00:04:33] Until you get going. And you're like, oh, I just don't like, it just doesn't make me happy. It just doesn't fulfill you or makes you feel bad about yourself? Or just feel like you're being used. All these different types of feelings that could come out, even though you're really good at it.


[00:05:06]What does that mean? It means you identified what you don't want. You've hit your first light bulb when you're trying to find one that works. All right. So now we know you don't want to do that. You are identifying slowly what you do want.


[00:06:04]Think about all of these different types of options. Maybe it becomes a list of things. You don't enjoy. What is it that you don't enjoy about it? What is it that you don't like? Can you pass it off to someone else? Is it something someone else could do? If not, can you let go of it? Is there another way that you could offer it that would feel better? Maybe you don't know off the top of your head. Maybe it's something that you need to test and try on a smaller scale.



It's time for us to find what we really enjoy. Find what we really love. What we're passionate about. What inspires us. Why you ask. This should be quite simple and obvious to you. We forget about it. Because people are drawn to you. When you talk about things that you're passionate about. When you talk about things that you really love and that you really enjoy. People say I'm going to be around that person. I want to be near that person. I'm going to hang out with them. I want to learn from them. And that is wherein the new magic happens.


[00:08:43]How sad is that really. Imagine how happier the world would be if people could really identify these things. And we'd share all of this inspiration and kindness to one another instead of our stress and our woes. And the weight of the world on each other.


[00:09:29]Now intuition can help you really dive down deep. Into the crevices of your soul, your mind, your heart. Where you can really figure out. What it is you really want. If it's really your path. I think of intuition as a flashlight. That helps you find your way in a deep, dark cave as you're walking along in this cave. And you have this flashlight. And as you move the flashlight around, it illuminates different areas of this cave. Maybe it'll help you find the water that you need. Not to trip on something. Which direction to go when you hear something to identify it. Maybe to find a new way to do something.


[00:10:56] Here's what we need to do. Tap into your intuition through getting quiet. That's right. So sample, oh my goodness. I talk about this being quiet all the time. What is this being quiet? How do you get quiet? How do you relax into the quiet?


[00:12:07]If you can just give yourself 10 minutes every day. Of this quiet, your mind place. You will begin to start tapping into the intuitive side of yourself slowly but surely. And the more that you begin to do that. The more, you can start tossing out questions. What do I need to know? Am I going the right direction? What other things can I look at? What do I need to be aware of? What solutions are there to the things I'm working on?


[00:13:33]Kind of confusing. I get that because we think, okay, goals say you should get as specific as you can go down to the color and the time and the amount. Well, that's great. And if you can do that and not question anything about it, go for it. But in my experience of working with thousands upon thousands of people. I would say very few people and very few topics or items can you do that with.


[00:14:39]This is really important, too focus in on in this conversation because when you start putting definitions on your desired outcome and you were attached to that, being the outcome. You truly limit. What opportunities could come from it? You begin to limit where things can go, what things will open up to you—the possibilities.


[00:15:30] It's like having an underground house with only one entrance. If that gets blocked, you're stuck. You want to make sure you maybe have two, maybe three ways out. It's called options and flexibility. Right? You want to have other options? So by giving yourself other options because you're open to the idea. You're not so structured. You're not so set on exactly what the ultimate outcome will be.


[00:16:51] Because isn't that what we really want. We don't want to be drudging through life. As though we have weighted boots trying to get through a bog. And it's so hard to move about. You can't go forward. You can't go backwards. You can't go the side. It takes forever. Your energy wears out quickly. This is not what we're looking for. We're looking for, what do I really want? What do I really enjoy? What energizes me? What gives me passion? What inspires me?


[00:17:57] Take a look at these things. How do they fit together and then identify and look at the things where you're like, oh, I hate doing this. This wears me out. I'm tired. I can hardly function. Just I dread doing it. What are those things? Because when we start comparing and looking at the things that were us down, The things that make us feel like we're stuck in that bog.


[00:18:48] You have the ability to design your life, how you want it. You have the ability to design your business, how you want it to be. Don't let other people tell you how it has to be. You can research and look at how other people are doing things and then measure it back to yourself. Is that what you want to be doing? Does that work for you?


[00:19:31]What is it, which is it? Because when you start figuring that out, Identifying what you love to do becomes that much easier. And isn't that what we all really want. We really want to identify. What we want. And we want it to get clear and clear. And clear. And want to get more focused and more focused.


[00:20:43]Are you having fun? Does it make you happy? Would you like to learn it in more detail? Would you like to become better at it? What would you like to become better at. Do you just outright dread doing it? Ugh. I don't even want to, I don't want to learn it. I don't care. I have no interest. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Well that isn't going to get any better. Let's just admit it. But something that's challenging that energizes you and you're enjoying learning and you're feeling like you're really making ground and you feel like you're really moving forward on something. This could be an asset to your business to you. How does that change things? It might be a bit difficult. Might continually be difficult in some form or challenging But is it also something you enjoy doing? Do you enjoy learning new things? Do you enjoy learning how to do things?


[00:22:15]I want things that allow me to learn that challenge me to a level that allows me to grow and accomplish things and grow my skill base. Allow me to be creative. It may be challenging. A bit difficult at first, but give me the joy of learning something new.


[00:23:24] So keep it simple. Be at ease with yourself. And allow intuition to light the path.


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About the Podcast

Clearly Kathryn, Business Intuition Strategies For Leaders
The Podcast where successful business leaders hone their intuition for extraordinary results!
How do I lead with my intuition? How do I manage my business using intuition? How can I have clarity in my decisions? How do I know if I'm following my intuition? Whether you're just starting, pivoting, or running an empire, this show is for you!

The Clearly Kathryn Podcast is a live-mastermind style business and intuition podcast brimming with simple step-by-step actions that guide entrepreneurs to rethink intuition and expand beyond their wildest dreams. You will be gifted the spark to ignite your business intuition abilities along the way!

Host Kathryn Mahoney brings you wisdom, intuitive advice, productivity tips, entrepreneurship straight talk inspiration, and humorous stories that can help YOU ignite your intuition creating the business and life you desire. Kathryn shares concrete, actionable guidance that she acquired through her entrepreneurial pedigree, decades of business ownership, founding mentoring organizations, and award-winning business leadership. She's sharing her extensive experience navigating the business world using her highly tuned intuition.

This podcast will transform your view of intuition in your business. Kathryn will guide you on intuition in the business world, answer your questions, and dive deeper into the topics you want to hear. With over 100 episodes and counting, the "Clearly" Kathryn business intuition movement is growing every day, and now it's YOUR TURN to hone your intuition, create certainty, and take aligned action, and be part of the cutting edge of the future of business.

About your host

Profile picture for Kathryn Mahoney

Kathryn Mahoney

Intuitive Business Strategist Kathryn Mahoney inspires entrepreneurs to align their businesses with their deepest desire, busting through barriers achieving exceptional results through the power of intuition. Her ability to pinpoint blockages and demolish them leading to exponential results — like one client who struggled to connect with their ideal customers; within a few weeks without implementing new marketing, they were handling more ideal customers than they thought possible.

She comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. Her work started with advising dreamers on how to step into the world of entrepreneurship. From there, she expanded her company as a strategic business consulting and undercover intuitive advising fortune 500's executives, Policymakers, and entrepreneurs, featured in national news and syndicated columns in The Business Journal from her business leadership, public policy, and global business mentoring.

Her career with entrepreneurs spans nearly three decades, not including her time learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship at the family kitchen table. She has worked with dreamers, startups, multi-million dollar businesses, corporations, and governments. Her ability to see the whole picture, intuitively fine-tune the details and provide no-nonsense, clear feedback drives her and keeps clients coming back.

Her mission is to help entrepreneurs rely on their intuition to clarify decisions, enhance productivity, and ignite innovation. She shares her intuitive gifts, knowledge as a business strategist, mentor, award-winning entrepreneur, amateur techie, and geopolitical enthusiast. She is the host of the podcast "Clearly Kathryn." She has shared the stage and served on boards with many founders of multi-million dollar companies. She currently lives in the USA and is a dual citizen of the US and Canada, but considers herself a world citizen having friends in every corner of the world.

She comes from a long line of successful entrepreneurs. Her work started with advising dreamers on how to step into the world of entrepreneurship. From there, she expanded her company as a strategic business consulting and undercover intuitive advising fortune 500's executives, Policymakers, and entrepreneurs, featured in national news and syndicated columns in The Business Journal from her business leadership, public policy, and global business mentoring.

Her career with entrepreneurs spans nearly three decades, not including her time learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship at the family kitchen table. She has worked with dreamers, startups, multi-million dollar businesses, corporations, and governments. Her ability to see the whole picture, intuitively fine-tune the details and provide no-nonsense, clear feedback drives her and keeps clients coming back.

Her mission is to help entrepreneurs use their intuition to clarify decisions, enhance efficiency and productivity, igniting innovation. She shares her intuitive gifts, knowledge as a business strategist, mentor, award-winning entrepreneur, amateur techie, and geopolitical enthusiast. She is the host of the podcast "Clearly Kathryn." She has shared the stage and served on boards with many founders of multi-million dollar companies. She currently lives in the USA and is a dual citizen of the US and Canada, but considers herself a world citizen having friends in every corner of the world.